
carrd template by cassiaslair.

  hati hrodvitnir   as abandoned by aries. pht. he / him. private, independent, selective.

In shadows deep, where moonlight wanes, Hati prowls with celestial reins. A wolf of hate, his eyes aglow, foretelling tales of woe they know. Beneath the tapestry, a harbinger in mystery. HrΓ³Γ°vitnir, the moon's dark plight, In Hydaelyn's fierce, fateful night. A silhouette of ancient lore, his heart, a tempest's thundered roar. Through realms of night, his vengeance sworn, Hati, the wolf of hate reborn.

just orbiting the vacuum i am / they talk me through the damage, consequence / and how it's a pain they know they don't understand



call me when they bury bodies underwater / it's blue light over murder for me / to wasteland when the oceans recede



hati is polyamorous. regardless of timeline, he will be in a relationship with both angelus and mavis unless it's an AU discussed prior. if you approach him with the idea of being exclusive in mind, please reconsider. shipping with me means recognizing that he has important people in his life and respecting it.


please don’t hesitate to shorten your reply to me whenever. i don’t care about matching lengths, but i do try to match my partner as best as i can. however, if i am writing with you and i feel as though the conversation is going nowhere productive, i will look elsewhere. nothing personal. sometimes conversations are dry, but i'd rather interact with people who can keep it going with me so i'm not alone in moving it forward.



this profile is nsfw. sexual themes, violence, mental health struggles, psychological horror, abuse will be present here and are some of the themes that i will write and will not be limited to such. i'm not actively looking for fighting/violent threads. hati's lore is full enough of it as is. i'm mostly here for something casual but wouldn't mind developing it if the moment presents itself right. injury is alright. however, any other long-lasting wound or effects must be discussed with me first. i'm very lenient and will likely say yes so long as it's interesting.


fourthwalling is fine. hati will think you're crazy, but i entertain all sorts of roleplay in good measure. manipulation? sure, but ask first. always, always ask first. i love consent. hati loves consent. i will never make a character do something they do not want and hati feels the same way. if i feel as though my character is in a situation wherein he's being coerced to do sexual acts and vice versa, i will withdraw.



have no shipping preference, but of course will not ship with minor writers/characters. i am 20+ and fine with nsfw but only with my fellow adults. romance? sure. sex? sure. it's all about having that sort of chemistry with a writing partner. i can write romance and erotic roleplay without any sort of plot, but i find them more fulfilling with some nice banter here and there.


discord is available upon request. i also manage a discord server for any players primarily from the north american data center, but those outside of it are free to hang out. let me know if you want in!


  SLEEP TOKEN    song lyrics used as quotes
  CASSIASLAIR     carrd template.
  MYSELF     cause i'm so big brained.

all gposes are made by me. they're not that good, but i tried my best. if any of my mods are of interest to you, let me know and i'll try my best to share them if i remember which ones i'm using lmaoooo.




earn your bitter father / it's easier to try not to eat / so flood me like atlantic, bandage up the trenches / anything to get me to sleep


  name.    hati (rehw-nong)
  epiteth.    hrodvitnir, managarmr, acheron
  race.    viera ( rava )
  nationality.    dalmascan
  age.    350 (a realm reborn), 357 (endwalker)
  nameday    12th sun of the third astral moon
  guarding deity.    the wood mother.
  gender.    cis male. ( he / him )
  sexuality.     demi-romantic / pansexual / poly
  height.     225cm.
  hair color.     silver ( formerly ) / jet black
  eye color.     bright white.
  skin tone.     sepia brown.
  notable features.     glowing eyes. snake hoops. freckles. red blush around the dark circles on eyes. scarred skin. burnt marks on torso. gloved claws.
  job occupation.    cenotaph ( custom whm ) / avenger ( custom rpr )
  place of origin.    golmore jungle, dalmasca
  affiliation.    danse macabre
  languages.    green word, dalmascan, eorzean common


  grandparents.    loke (deceased) , sigyn (deceased)
  parents.    fenrir (deceased) , angrboda (deceased)
  siblings.    skoll (missing)
  mentor.    fenrir (warg) , blume (cenotaphy)
  familiar.    charon (fused)
  mentor.    fenrir (warg) , blume (cenotaphy)
  familiar.    charon (fused)


  cenotaph.    a guide of souls. cenotaphy is now considered a lost wood warder art. cenotaphs are capable of changing their forms into different anthromorphic entities and fuse or exchange consciousness with their familiars. it also allows him to wield glaciers as weapons.


  singing.    cosmo sheldrake
  jp.    kenjiro tsuda (nsfw)
  en    daman mills

present times.

 his future was hanging in the balance.  he had two paths before him, each one leading to a very different destiny. on one hand, there was the bozjan resistance, a group of rebels fighting to reclaim the lands that had been brought to ruin by the garlean empire. they sought to rebuild their homes, to restore their way of life, and to bring justice to those who had been wronged.on the other hand, there was the  warrior of light , a champion of justice and defender of the innocent. they fought for the greater good, battling against evil wheresover it may be found, and their cause was a noble one. hati had to choose which path to follow,  and each one presented its own set of challenges and rewards. if he joined the bozjan resistance, he would be fighting for his people, for his home, and for a better future. but the road ahead would be long and difficult, and victory was far from assured. if he joined the warrior of light, he would be part of a larger cause, fighting for the good of all, and his actions would have a greater impact on the realm at large. but he would be leaving his own people behind, and he would be fighting a battle that was not his own.

additional details.


β€”    ASPECT OF AETHER.     ice.
β€”    PHYSICAL STRENGTH.     8/10.
β€”    MAGICAL PROWESS.     9/10
β€”    INTELLIGENCE.     6/10.
β€”    DEXTERITY.     8/10
β€”    TENACITY.     8/10
β€”    STEALTH.     10/10
β€”   SPECIAL ABILITIES.     a man of the bow and instinctive huntsman, he honed his abilities during his sojourn in eorzea, gaining profound insights into the broader world. harnessing the wealth of knowledge amassed, he deftly applies it to his advantage. although displaying polished courtesy in the company of strangers, beneath the veneer lies a readiness to sully his hands with crimson if necessity demands. furthermore, his unique connection allows him to communicate silently with fellow rava viera and discern their presence from great distances through the keen sense of smell that spans malms.


β€”    MIST FRENZY.     a tumultuous metamorphosis ensues when the warg is immersed in a chaotic state, forging a profound connection with their inner wolf. the surge of ambient aether, when copious, induces a grotesque transformation in the viera, causing a gradual erosion of self-control. while a measured exposure empowers them in battle, an excess thereof threatens a perilous descent into an irreversible alteration, rendering them unable to reclaim their former selves. in dire circumstances, the overindulgence in aether may culminate in a fatal overdose for the viera.

β€”    NATURE & ANIMAL AFFINITY.     born of the wood mother and embraced as a warg within her sacred domain, he bears the unique gift to exchange consciousness and communicate with the creatures and natural insects that inhabit their shared realm. enveloped in the protective embrace of her bestowed gifts, he reciprocates by safeguarding nature & the welfare of the animals dwelling within her sacred precincts.

life in dalmasca.

hati hrodvitnir, born hati rehw-nong, was raised at golmore jungle of dalmasca as a warg of worldy ice. he's the son of fenrir and angrboda and the twin brother of skoll. like any wood warder, he underwent a strict training regimen to be worthy of his rank and obtain the privilege to protect the forest in which they inhabit. from the moment he was born, he followed naught but the guidance of the wood mother and lived by the green word, never betraying his faith.


the wind howled through the trees, as the viera trudged through the dense forest, his cloak flapping behind him like a tattered banner. he had always been a wood warder, a protector of the forest, but now his home lay in ruins, destroyed as a result of the garlean invasion. his people had been slaughtered, captured, or forced to flee, and hati had fled with his twin brother, skoll, hoping to find safety and forgiveness from the wood mother for betraying their oath of never leaving their borders. but safety had been elusive, and the brothers had been on the run ever since, moving from one hiding place to another. they had promised each other to stick together no matter what, but one morning, hati had woken up to find skoll gone without a word. his heart had sunk as he searched for his brother, but there was no trace of him. his confusion soon turned to hurt and betrayal. had skoll abandoned him, breaking their promise to stay together? why would he leave so abruptly? these thoughts haunted him as he continued to search for skoll, not knowing where to start or where to go. despite his dwindling strength, he refused to give up on his search. he wandered through forests and mountains but the only answer he received was silence. from the soils of his destroyed home and from the wood mother herself. it was when hati was at his weakest, his hope all but gone, that the garlean empire caught up with him. they overpowered him, his years of training as a wood warder no match for their advanced weapons and machineries. he was captured and thrown into a dark, damp cell in the resonatorium at ala mhigo.


fenrir, the wood warder, stood watch over the forest he called home. he was a man of few words, preferring the company of the trees and animals to that of his fellow viera. but when the garleans came to invade dalmasca, he knew that he had to take action. fenrir fought with all his might to protect the forest from the invaders, wielding his axe with deadly accuracy. but when he saw his beloved wife angrboda fall in battle, something inside him snapped. the overwhelming amount of aether that filled the air triggered his mist frenzy, and he transformed into the legendary wolf of the forest. the once-proud wood warder was now a bloodthirsty beast, tearing through the garlean ranks with abandon.

his fur and mouth were stained with the blood of his enemies, and he could no longer tell friend from foe. the guilt of his actions weighed heavily on his heart, but he could not stop himself. eventually, fenrir fled from his home, unable to face the man he used to be. he made his way to coerthas, where the icy landscape of snowcloak became his new domain. but even there, he could not escape his past. when the warrior of light arrived in snowcloak, fenrir knew that his time had come. he fought with all his remaining strength, but in the end, he was defeated. as he lay dying, he knew that he had finally found peace. his rage and guilt were gone, and he was free to be reunited with his beloved angrboda once more.


skoll was a man once, but now he was a beast. he had fled his home in dalmasca with his brother hati, seeking safety from the chaos that had engulfed their land, only to separate himself from his twin by the wood mother's instruction. he had thought that the isle of val would be a place of refuge, a haven from the war and destruction that had ravaged their homeland. but he was wrong. the isle of val was thought to have been destroyed years ago, but skoll had found it still standing, a testament to its enduring power. at first, it had been a place of safety for him. but the aether on the island was vast and potent, and skoll found himself drawn to it like a moth to a flame. the aether consumed him, body and soul. skoll became something other than viera, a beast with a hunger that knew no end. he was a wolf, savage and wild, existing only to destroy.

he prowled the island, hunting for anything that moved, tearing apart animals and plants with equal ferocity. skoll's hunger was insatiable. he devoured everything in his path, consuming more of the aether that fueled his transformation. but the more he consumed, the more he changed. his body became larger, his muscles bulging with power. his teeth grew longer and sharper, and his claws turned into deadly weapons. in time, skoll lost all trace of himself. he was a beast, pure and simple, with no thought or reason beyond his endless hunger. he howled at the skies, the sound echoing across eureka pyros, a mournful cry that spoke of his lost humanity. skoll was doomed, a victim of his own insatiable appetite. he would prowl the isle of val until the end of his days, a wild and savage creature, forever trapped in a state of primal hunger.




my love is an animal / call cutting through the darkness, bouncing off the walls / teeth on a broken jaw / a bloodtrail, frothing at the maw


hati's heart was heavy with the knowledge that he was separated from his only remaining kin, his twin brother skoll. the two had always been inseparable, two halves of a whole, and now the wood mother had decreed that they must live their lives apart. hati's grief was overwhelming, and it threatened to consume him entirely. the wood mother, in her infinite kindness, knew that such sorrow would be the death of him if allowed to continue. and so, she called upon her powers and sealed hati's anguish into the form of a jet-black crow. unbeknownst to hati, this crow was no ordinary bird. it was a phantom, crafted from the very essence of his sorrow, tasked with accompanying him on all his travels. the bird's name was charon, and it would serve as hati's companion, guiding him through the trials ahead. for the first time in his life, hati was alone. he wandered through the woods, seeking his brother, fueled by feelings of rage and betrayal. skoll, in turn, feared for their togetherness, certain that it would be the death of them both. and so the two brothers were locked in a never-ending dance, hati chasing after skoll, and skoll running as fast as he could to escape his brother's clutches. through it all, charon remained by hati's side, a constant reminder of the grief he had left behind and the strength he had gained. for years they lived like this, hati endlessly seeking skoll, and skoll endlessly running. and yet, through it all, the brothers remained alive, even as the world around them changed.


the wolf of monstrous size descended on the dusty ground, its massive paws leaving icy ruins in its wake. with every step, it seemed to grow in size and ferocity, commanding terror and striking fear into the hearts of all who laid eyes upon it. its maws opened wide, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that promised death to anyone who dared to cross its path. this was no wolf of legend, but a creature of malevolence, summoned to do the bidding of its master. that master was none other than fabineau quo soranus, a powerful mage who had long ago forsaken humanity in favor of results. he had summoned this beast, known as hrodvitnir, to aid him in his quest to destroy the bozjan resistance, a group of rebels who had dared to defy the garlean rule. and so, hrodvitnir set out on his mission of destruction, his massive form looming over the battlefield like a dark cloud of death. his jaws snapped and snarled, tearing through flesh and bone with ease as he laid waste to all who stood in his way with his icy fury. hrodvitnir was a force of nature, a creature of pure violence and malevolence that had been unleashed upon the star by a madman. and yet, even as he ravaged the land, there was a sense of tragedy about him. hrodvitnir was not born to be a killer, but had been twisted and corrupted by his captors. he was a victim as much as a perpetrator, a creature of darkness that had been unleashed upon them by the greed and ambition of man. and so, as hrodvitnir continued his rampage, tearing through the bozjan resistance with his unstoppable fury, there was a sense of sorrow that hung over the battlefield. this was not a creature to be celebrated, but to be mourned, hesitation evident in his every move.


the warg, a creature of fearsome strength and cunning, had been taken from the resonatorium at ala mhigo and brought to the research facility at zadnor wherein he became the new fascination of the ivth legion's centurion. under the direct orders of fabineau quo soranus, he was subjected to a series of inhumane experiments, designed to break his will and turn him into a tool of war for the garlean empire. his captors cared not for his intelligence, his loyalty, or his soul. to them, he was naught more than a beast to be tamed and controlled, a creature of the wild that could be turned into a weapon of destruction. and so, they forced him to shift into his wolf form, believing that beasts were easier to tame than man. they subjected him to painful procedures, injecting him with strange serums and subjecting him to harsh conditions, all in the name of "science". but hati refused to be broken. he fought against his captors with all his might, using his cunning and strength to resist their attempts to control him. but they were relentless, and they knew that they needed to push him to his limits if they were to succeed. as such, they made him consume an abundant amount of aether, the life force that flowed through all living things. they wanted to trigger his mist frenzy, a state of vieran mindless rage that would make him easier to control. he resisted at first, but the aether began to flow through his body, ushering deep within his primal instincts. he felt his muscles grow taut, his senses sharpen, and his mind clouded with a red mist of rage. in that moment, he had lost control. his body moved on its own, tearing through the walls of his prison and unleashing his fury on aught that stood in his way. they watched in awe and horror as he rampaged through the research facility, tearing through walls and machines with his powerful jaws and claws. they had created a monster to fulfill their whims, but it was not without any sort of precaution. they knew well how to force him back to his usual self before he could even sink his fangs on their necks.


the wolf hrodvitnir had suffered a brutal defeat, his once-mighty form now reduced to a broken, battered husk. he lay on the ground, gasping for breath, his lack of strength slowly turning him back to the man he had once been. as he struggled to his knees, he saw the figure of the warrior of light standing before him, the one who had liberated him from his suffering. the wolf had been part of the ivth imperial legion, albeit against his will, driven to berserk fury by their experiments, and had attacked innocent people. his mission was to kill them all. the viera named hati looked up at the warrior of light, his eyes filled with fear and confusion. he had never wanted any part in this violence, but he had been driven to madness and commanded to do things that betrayed his ideals. and now, as he looked upon the person who had come to kill him, he expected naught but death. instead, he was met with either pity and understanding, knowing that he had been a victim as much as those who had been hurt by his chaotic self. he was offered something that he had never expected: freedom. the warg did not know what to do with this. he had been a wolf for so long that he had forgotten how to be himself.


  DANSE MACABRE   nestled amidst the ephemerality of existence, danse macabre stands as a testament to the delicate balance between life and the inevitable embrace of the afterlife. in the heart of thanalan, this funeral parlor is more than a mere conduit for the departed; it is a sanctuary where adventurers and cherished souls find solace in their final repose. in this realm, the ephemeral nature of mortal existence is revered, and the caretakers, like compassionate stewards, pledge unwavering commitment to ensuring the departed find the serenity they've rightfully earned. as a humble bridge between the living and the ethereal beyond, danse macabre embraces a sacred duty to commemorate those who've embarked on their ultimate journey. here, every soul, regardless of status or station, is deemed deserving of the tranquility that comes with the finality of rest. the funeral parlor becomes a canvas upon which the narratives of lives are painted with respect and reverence. yet, beneath the facade of solemnity, danse macabre conceals a clandestine dance with the shadows of thanalan. in a realm where the watchful eyes of the syndicate loom large, this establishment has surreptitiously eluded their gaze, engaging in enigmatic dealings unbeknownst to the common man. the secrets woven into danse macabre's existence add intrigue, inviting whispers of clandestine affairs that echo through the corridors of speculation. the paradoxical nature of this funeral parlor, both a sanctuary for the departed and a stage for mysterious dealings, draws a fine line between the known and the unknown. in the end, the silent promise of danse macabre is that, as long as balance is maintained, the departed will find well-earned peace, and the secrets that shroud the funeral parlor will continue to waltz in the shadows, known only to those who dare to glimpse beyond the curtain of mortality.




gold rush, acid flux / saturate me, i can't get enough / cold love, hot blood / running to your heart when you're thinking of

  rel.     brother forever.
between the pain and the way you look, i'm stuck in a time where the mountains shook.

  rel.     mentor. beloved.
i've seen my days unfold, done the impossible. i'd turn my walls to gold to bring you home again.

  rel.     associate. dalliance.
did i mistake you for a sign from god? are you really here to cut me off? or maybe just to turn me on.

  rel.     beloved.
i come as a blade, a sacred guardian. so you keep me sharp and test my worth in blood.

  rel.     beloved.
when we were made, it was no accident. we were tangled up like branches in a flood.

  rel.     TBA.

  rel.     TBA.

  rel.     TBA.

   C'MARU TIA .  
  rel.     TBA.

  rel.     TBA.

  rel.     TBA.

  rel.     TBA.
